When You Are Helpless, bible For

Posted on: October 31, 2023 by in Uncategorized
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When You Are Helpless, bible For

Everyone who reside in the East Texas location simply came through Hurricane Rita. Much damage was done through here. Through all of it, however, Proverbs 1:33 came through for us.

Prov 1:33
Whoso hearkeneth unto me will stay securely, and will be peaceful from worry of evil. (KJV).

In the wee hours of the early morning, when the storm was at its fiercest, knocking trees into our home and shaking it to the really structures, God offered us the Scripture to hope. We were to wish Paul’s “power camping tent” that God positioned him in as he fought the “thorn-demon.”.

2 Cor 12:9.
And he stated unto me, My grace suffices for thee: for my strength is made best in weak point. Many happily for that reason will I rather magnificence in my imperfections, that the power of Christ might rest upon me. (KJV).

You see, our youngest child, her 4 kids, her partner, his mom and niece and 2 pals were here to evade the storm. Instantly after they got here, the storm moved and was coming right at us.

We were defenseless. It took our child 12 hours to get to our home just 85 miles away. They turned around and came back to our home.

We then understood that we were here throughout of the storm. We likewise understood that the only escape was the security of God Almighty.

Once again, the only thing the Holy Ghost would let us hope was for the “power camping tent.” You see, in the verse above, the expression “rest upon” equates 2 Greek words, “upon” and “camping tent.” Jesus put a “camping tent of power” upon Paul which secured him from the thorn for the rest of his life.

We hoped for this “power camping tent” and got it. Trees knocked into our carport, home and lawn. None of us were hurt at all.

The “power camping tent” came down. When powerless, hope for the “power camping tent.”.

We were defenseless. Jesus put a “camping tent of power” upon Paul which secured him from the thorn for the rest of his life.

We hoped for this “power camping tent” and got it. The “power camping tent” came down. When powerless, hope for the “power camping tent.”.

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