Archive for the ‘ Uncategorized ’ Category

Scripture For When You Are Helpless

Posted on: August 5, 2022 by in Uncategorized
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Scripture For When You Are Helpless All of us who live in the East Texas area just came through Hurricane Rita. Much damage was done through here. Through it all, though, Proverbs 1:33 came through for us. Prov 1:33 But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. (KJV) In the wee hours of the morning, when the storm was at its fiercest, slamming trees into our house and shaking it to the very foundations, God gave us the Scripture to pray. We were Continue Reading ...

Easy Ways to Save Energy

Posted on: August 4, 2022 by in Uncategorized
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Easy Ways to Save Energy With this fall's spike in oil and natural gas prices and the further impact Hurricane Katrina will have on this winter's heating oil supplies, it's become more important than ever to make sure our homes are as energy-efficient as possible. Luckily, there are a number of easy, inexpensive ways to button up your home for winter. Numerous cost-efficient products on the market for your windows and doors will go a long way toward preserving the heat you generate with Continue Reading ...


Posted on: July 26, 2022 by in Uncategorized
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Buildings Any habitable construction built for human purposes can be termed as a building. Buildings are used for purposes of residence, industry, academic, official, political and many others. In ancient times, buildings were in the form of small hutments which were made of thatch, hay, stone, bricks and such other crude materials. Today building construction is a much more complex art and uses materials such as reinforced concrete, cement, steel, glass, etc. Based on their purposes, Continue Reading ...

S80 and C30, Volvo’s Entrants to Auto Shows

Posted on: July 23, 2022 by in Uncategorized
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S80 and C30, Volvo’s Entrants to Auto Shows Despite the fact that we are still in the early parts of 2006, there had already been many auto shows not only in the United States but in other countries as well that featured the most captivating and the most promising production vehicles. These auto shows also became the venue for automobile manufacturers to show off their concept vehicles. Volvo has made sure that their company would not be left out when it came to this large showcase of Continue Reading ...

Little Giant Ladder Review – Is it Worth Buying?

Posted on: July 16, 2022 by in Uncategorized
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Little Giant Ladder Review - Is it Worth Buying? When you want the best in a ladder, look no further than the Little Giant Ladder. The Little Giant Ladder is the must have tool for anyone who owns a house and anyone who uses ladders in their profession. For those hard to reach areas around your house or your yard, the Little Giant and any of a number of superbly crafted accessories have been designed to bring safety, stability, ease of use and flexibility to the job. I own a Little Giant Continue Reading ...

Alcohol Addiction — What Were You Up To Last Night?

Posted on: July 15, 2022 by in Uncategorized
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Alcohol Addiction — What Were You Up To Last Night? Do you remember what you did last night? And the night before, and the night before that? If you have mornings where you forget what you did the night before, it is time to take a serious look at your drinking habits. Alcohol addiction could mean that you drink every day; or that you drink to excess every week; or that you feel you can't cope without alcohol. You don't have to be permanently drunk to be addicted. Consider the effects Continue Reading ...

Elastomeric Roofing

Posted on: July 5, 2022 by in Uncategorized
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Elastomeric Roofing Elastomeric roofing or rubber roofing, as it is commonly called, is one type of synthetic roofing material that is a composition of recycled rubber. This rubber is being chipped off in the rubber mill and the small chips are mixed with different chemicals to manufacture the RRPV (Recycled Rubber Poyurethane Elastomer) or the EPDM (Ehtylene Propylene Diene Monomer). To be able to come up with ultra violet (UV) filtering ability, manufacturers of rubber roof often add Continue Reading ...

Preparing For Windows Vista

Posted on: July 3, 2022 by in Uncategorized
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Preparing For Windows Vista So what exactly is Windows Vista? Windows Vista is the next major operating system release from Microsoft. This highly anticipated release not only has many new and exciting features but Microsoft have also improved the graphical user interface and given it a new visual style. Windows Vista, which is due to be released to the business sector in November this year, sports hundreds of new features, many of which are designed for use within the business Continue Reading ...

Aluminum Roofing

Posted on: July 2, 2022 by in Uncategorized
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Aluminum Roofing Did you know that Americans muddle through an average of 10, 000 thunderstorms, 2, 500 floods, 1, 000 tornadoes and six deadly hurricanes every year? This is quite a lot to contend with! Just think about the struggle your roof has to put up with every single day. The relentless heat of the sun and the heavy downpours contribute a lot to the wear and tear of your roof. This is the reason why it’s very important to invest in durable roofing materials. The onslaught of Continue Reading ...